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The Python IDE for data science and web development


Announcing the PyCharm 4.0.1 release update

Just one week after the PyCharm 4 release, we are eager to announce that the PyCharm 4.0.1 bug-fix update has been uploaded and is now available from the download page. It also will be available shortly as a patch update from within the IDE (from PyCharm 4.0 and 4.0.1 RC only).

As a recap, some notable highlights of this release include: a fix for a rare but severe bug that causes an infinite indexing, a fix for a settings import bug, code completion and inspections fixes, a fix for matplotlib support, a fix for remote interpreters support and some Django support fixes.

For further details on the bug fixes and changes, please consult the Release Notes.

As usual, please report any problem you found in the issue tracker.
If you would like to discuss your experiences with PyCharm, we look forward to your feedback on our public PyCharm forum and twitter.

Develop with Pleasure!
-PyCharm team

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