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The Python IDE for data science and web development

Early Access Program Releases

Announcing the PyCharm 4.5 EAP build 141.832

Having announced the first Early Access Preview build of PyCharm 4.5 a couple of weeks ago, today we’re eager to let you know that the second PyCharm 4.5 EAP build 141.832 is ready for your evaluation. Please download it for your platform from our EAP page.

Just as always, this EAP build can be used for 30 days starting from its release date and it does not require any license.

This build introduces the brand-new and significantly reworked tool for Django projects with a new user interface, autocompletion for tasks and their arguments:


The console preserves the command history so you can easily fetch previous commands just by hitting up/down arrows. Quick documentation for commands is also supported. Put a caret to any command and hit Ctrl+Q for the quick reference or external documentation:


The IPython Notebook integration has been significantly improved with the new IPython Notebook console and numerous bug fixes:


The other notable improvements in this EAP build are:

  • a fix for matplotlib interactive mode in the debug console
  • a number of fixes for a Python formatter
  • general fixes for the editor and code insight
  • a fix for preventing of indexing .tox folder

That’s not all as this build has many other improvements and bug fixes – for example, improved Django 1.8 code insight and Behave’s default parse mode for step parameters. So we urge you to check the fixed issues and compare this build to the previous one!

Please give PyCharm 4.5 EAP a try before its official release and please report any bugs and feature request to our issue tracker.

Develop with Pleasure!
-PyCharm team

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