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The Python IDE for data science and web development

Early Access Program Releases

PyCharm 4.5 EAP build 141.988: Introducing Python Profiler

Today we’re glad to let you know that the third PyCharm 4.5 EAP build 141.988 is ready for your evaluation. Please download it from our EAP page.

Just as always, this EAP build can be used for 30 days after its release date and it doesn’t require any license.

Comparing to the previous EAP builds, this one mostly includes a consolidation of fixes for various bugs and problems, and improvements for recently added features. Among them are various IPython Notebook integration fixes and fixes for the python formatter. For the detailed list of notable changes and improvements, please check the Release Notes.

The most notable brand-new feature in this build is the Python Profiler Integration which is available right away from the toolbar or Run | Profile…:


This special profiler configuration starts your application with your current run/debug configuration and attaches the python profiler to it. If you have a yappi profiler installed on your interpreter, it starts with it by default, otherwise it uses the standard cProfile profiler as shown on the screenshot above.
By clicking the Capture Snapshot icon on the profiler console you can get the detailed statistics on functions within your code and view the call graph as well as navigate to the function definition:


Another notable new feature in this build is “Step into my code” which is available from the debugger:


This feature helps you avoid stepping through library sources and lets you stay focused on your own code.

Please take PyCharm 4.5 EAP build 141.988 for a spin! We hope that there will be no major issues, however, should you encounter any problems, please report them to our public tracker.

You can download the build or use the patch-based upgrade to upgrade from within the IDE (from previous PyCharm 4.5 EAP builds only) without a full re-installation. Just make sure you’ve selected the EAP channel in update settings.

Stay tuned for PyCharm 4.5 release announcements, follow us on twitter, and develop with pleasure!

-PyCharm team

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