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The Python IDE for data science and web development

Early Access Program Releases

PyCharm 2016.3.1 RC Available

We’re happy to announce the availability of PyCharm 2016.3.1 RC. We’ve worked hard to fix some issues some of you are facing:

  • If you would like to disable the automatic activation of the project’s virtualenv, you can now disable this setting in Settings | Tools | Terminal | Activate virtualenv
  • Terminal path can be configured globally
  • The terminal on macOS will source your bash_profile upon activation
  • HTML tags automatically close in Django templates
  • Python Console: Execute code in console (Shift+Alt+E) indentation fixed, tab completion
  • And various other bugs, see the release notes for details

Get it now from the EAP page!

Although we pay careful attention to make sure our software works well, if you experience any issues please report them on our issue tracker. If you have any ideas about how we can make PyCharm better, please let us know on our issue tracker as well!

The Drive to Develop

-PyCharm Team

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