PyCharm 2017.2 EAP Starts now
The JetBrains PyCharm team is thrilled today to announce the start of the PyCharm 2017.2 Early Access Preview (EAP) program along with the 2017.2 EAP contest!
PyCharm 2017.2 Early Access Preview (EAP) 1 is finally available for download! Head on over to the PyCharm Early Access Preview (EAP) page and get it now!
What is an Early Access Program (EAP)?
We at JetBrains believe that making tools for developers should greatly involve listening to developers. Our Early Access Programs let the development community closely participate in discussions about the product and influence development planning, from early stages onwards.
Why should you try the 2017.2 EAP builds?
The Early Access Program lets you evaluate brand-new features as well as many important bug fixes for already existing functionality to be added to the next release. You can install PyCharm 2017.2 EAP along with the stable PyCharm 2017.1 installation and get regular updates for both. An easy way to keep your PyCharm up to date is to use JetBrains Toolbox.
Why should you try this build?
- `@typing.overload` is now supported in regular Python files, in addition to the support in Stubs which was already available in earlier versions of PyCharm
- SSH-Agent is supported, if you prefer to keep your SSH keys safe using SSH agent (on Linux and macOS) or Pageant (on Windows), this is now supported in PyCharm. Just set authentication type to authentication agent when setting up your SSH connection. [This feature is only available in PyCharm Professional Edition]
- Better support for HiDPI setups: we now support having different DPI settings per monitor. For example, when you have a laptop with a high-resolution screen, which you connect to an external monitor.
- And more: check out our release notes for details
PyCharm 2017.2 EAP contest: File bugs, feature requests, participate in active discussions and win!
With the PyCharm 2017.2 EAP program we decided to fire up a contest, where everybody is welcome to participate. This is a great chance for professional Python developers to work closely with the PyCharm development team on the next release version. Get your professional development juices flowing: file bugs and feature requests, participate in active discussions, and compete for valuable prizes!
You’ll have about 2 months until the final PyCharm 2017.2 release to participate. All you need to do is just start using EAP builds and when you find a bug, file it, and then participate in later conversation on this and other bugs created by other people.
Filed tickets and comments will be scored on a range of different criterias, as it’s hard to judge based only on the number of bugs filed or comments written.
We’ll take into account:
- New bugs in EAP builds
- Regressions
- Useful comments that help to reproduce or fix a problem
- New feature requests and valuable suggestions to improve new or existing features
Of course, the judgment of usefulness is a very subjective thing. The PyCharm team is going to carry out the final scoring at the end of the EAP program. To the most active
EAP users we’ll provide valuable prizes, including:
- Professional Python developer t-shirts
- Free PyCharm Professional Edition Subscriptions
- Free seats at the latest Michael’s Kennedy “Python for Entrepreneurs” course
- And more
How to file bugs, score and win
Use our public issue tracker to report a bug, request a new feature, look for existing problems, and comment on existing issues. Using YouTrack, you can look through issues others have reported and vote for them. Whenever your issue or an issue you’ve voted for is updated, you will receive notifications.
If you’d like to communicate with us, you can reach us by leaving a comment on this blog post, by tweeting us at @pycharm or leaving a comment on our Facebook page.
Give PyCharm 2017.2 EAP a try before its official release and don’t forget to report any bugs and feature request to our issue tracker!