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The Python IDE for data science and web development

Early Access Program Releases

PyCharm 2017.1.4 RC Available

We’re happy to announce that you can now get the release candidate for PyCharm 2017.1.4 from our Confluence page.  Download PyCharm 2017.1.4 RC now.

Fixes in this RC:

  • Various debugger issues have been resolved, involving the Cython speedups, an issue with adding breakpoints on the fly, and PyQT debugging
  • Test runners with unittest, and nosetests
  • Several inspection problems

If you’re using PyCharm 2017.1, please update to this version and let us know if everything works well for you! To update, either get the installer from Confluence, or update from PyCharm (Help | Check for Updates). Do you use multiple JetBrains IDEs? Then check out JetBrains Toolbox to help you make sure all your IDEs are up to date at all times.

-PyCharm Team
The Drive to Develop

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