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The Python IDE for data science and web development

Early Access Program Releases

PyCharm 2018.1.2 RC

We’re happy to announce that the release candidate of PyCharm 2018.1.2 is available for download on our Confluence page.

What’s New

Docker Compose Improvements

Our Docker Compose interpreter in PyCharm 2018.1.1 starts your application service together with its dependencies, but leaves your dependencies running after shutting down the application. This has now been changed to match the command-line behavior, and will shut down your dependencies as well. Have you not tried using Docker Compose interpreters yet? Learn how to do so on our blog with Django on Windows, or with Flask on Linux.

Docker Compose users on Windows will be happy to learn that we’re now using named pipes to connect to the Docker daemon, which resolves an issue where some users were unable to run their scripts.

Further Improvements

  • The Python Console now receives focus when its opened
  • Various improvements to database support: columns that show the result of a custom function in MSSQL are now correctly highlighted, and more. Did you know that PyCharm Professional Edition includes all database features from DataGrip, JetBrains’ SQL IDE?
  • Improvements in optimizing Python imports
  • Various issues regarding React lifecycles have been resolved
  • Read more in our release notes


Download PyCharm now. The release candidate is not an EAP version. Therefore, if you’d like to try out the Professional Edition, you will either need to have an active license, or you’ll receive a 30-day trial period. The Community Edition is free and open source software and can be used without restrictions (apart from the Apache License’s terms).

If you have any comments on our RC version (or any other version of PyCharm), please reach out to us! We’re @pycharm on Twitter, and you can of course always create a ticket on YouTrack, our issue tracker.

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