Early Access Program Releases

PyCharm 2018.1.3 RC

We’re happy to announce that the release candidate for a new version of PyCharm is now available: get it now from our confluence page.

What’s New

Python Console Messages

Since several versions, PyCharm has folded the startup messages of the Python interpreter in the Python console. This means that you have more room to write your own code, yet you can still see the startup messages by hovering over the folded output.

Unfortunately, if you had configured custom startup code (which you can do in Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Console | Python Console), your own code’s output would be folded as well. In PyCharm 2018.1.3, we’re making sure to only fold large startup messages (like IPython’s), and show the output of your custom code:

IPython Console

Further Improvements

  • An issue with remotely debugging Python code on Windows computers was resolved
  • Several issues regarding Angular 6 were resolved. Did you know that PyCharm Professional Edition comes with all JavaScript support from WebStorm?
  • Read more in our release notes
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