
PyCharm 2018.2.4

PyCharm 2018.2.4 is now available, with some small improvements. You can download this version from our website.

New in This Version

  • Various small pipenv improvements
  • A bug in our pytest with fixtures support was fixed: previously, if yield statements were used in the fixture, PyCharm would assume that the return type of the function was a Generator. Now, the correct return type is inferred, preventing false positives.
  • And more, see the release notes

Download PyCharm 2018.2.4

Get PyCharm from the JetBrains website

If you’re on Ubuntu 16.04 or later, you can use snap to get PyCharm, and stay up to date. You can find the installation instructions on our website.

Preview PyCharm 2018.3

Are you interested in trying the next version of PyCharm already? We’re currently developing PyCharm 2018.3, and you can help us by letting us know how you like our work so far.

New in PyCharm 2018.3 EAP 3

  • Faster generation of skeletons for Docker Compose interpreters. If you have used PyCharm Professional Edition with Docker Compose you’ve probably seen that sometimes it takes a bit of time for PyCharm to index your container. This is now a lot faster.
  • And more, check out the release notes

To get the EAP version, visit the Early Access Preview (EAP) page on our website. You can also use JetBrains Toolbox to keep PyCharm – and other JetBrains products – up to date.

PyCharm 2018.3 is in development during the EAP phase, therefore not all new features are already available. More features will be added in the coming weeks. As PyCharm 2018.3 is pre-release software, it is not as stable as the release versions. Furthermore, we may decide to change and/or drop certain features as the EAP progresses.

All EAP versions will ship with a built-in EAP license, which means that these versions are free to use for 30 days after the day that they are built. As EAPs are released weekly, you’ll be able to use PyCharm Professional Edition EAP for free for the duration of the EAP program, as long as you upgrade at least once every 30 days.

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