Events News

New Book: “Effective PyCharm” by Michael Kennedy and Matt Harrison

PyCon 2019 last week was exciting for us for many reasons but near the top of the list: the reveal of Effective PyCharm, a new book by Michael Kennedy and Matt Harrison.


About the Book

Michael and Matt describe the book as "A hands on approach to learning the the PyCharm IDE". I reviewed it pre-release and I can certainly confirm this. The book covers a lot of ground, is well-organized, with copious examples, and covers the latest-and-greatest in Python and PyCharm. The editor, refactoring, VCS, web and databases, the debugger (of course), visual testing (double of course), and more are discussed.

At each step they show the one or two techniques to put the IDE’s power to work in everyday programming. Best of all, they explain the "why" along with the "how" — something missing in a lot of technical writing.

PyCharm provides a broad array of utility, making a book like this a tremendous resource. Like Michael’s Mastering PyCharm course, it shows that a little investment in mastering your tool can pay tremendous dividends for mastering your craft. In fact, one of the purchase options for the book is in a bundle with the video course.

About the Authors

It’s an honor recommending this book, not just because it truly is a valuable resource, but also due to the people behind it. Michael and Matt are hard-working, independent business owners who bring value to the world of Python. Both work hard and help others.

Matt and Michael participated with the Python Content Creators at the PyCharm booth and joined me at the end of the 42 PyCharm Tips and Tricks workshop. It was a treat seeing them up-close, working with everybody and talking with their customers and community.

Here is a video interview of Michael Kennedy at PyCon:

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