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The code quality platform for teams


Code Quality Booster: Live Qodana Demo and Best Practices for Code Analysis

Join us for a live demo of Qodana, the static code analysis platform from JetBrains. Discover how to integrate Qodana with your IDE and your CI pipeline, build quality gates, and catch critical issues early.

Date: September 30, 2024

Time: 6 pm CET (4 pm UTC)

Register for the webinar

Session abstract

Whether you’re new to Qodana or looking to deepen your understanding of the platform, this session will provide practical insights and live examples to help you streamline your development process.

You’ll learn:

  • How to set up Qodana in your development environment.
  • How to use Qodana’s powerful code analysis features.
  • How to integrate Qodana with your CI/CD pipeline.
  • Best practices for using Qodana to improve code quality.

Asking questions

Kai will try to answer all your questions during the session. If we run out of time, we’ll be sure to respond to remaining questions in a follow up blogpost.

Your speaker and host

Kai Schmithuesen, Product Specialist at Qodana

Kai Schmithuesen, Product Specialist at Qodana

Kai is an accomplished product specialist with over 15 years of experience in the software sales industry, focusing on developer tools and practices. Originally from Germany, Kai spent over 10 years in Ireland working for US software companies before relocating to Stockholm, where he now oversees sales activities for Qodana.

Happy developing!

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