Early Access Program

What’s Mining: Puppet Support Improvements

Hello everyone,

We would like to describe an update to the Puppet plugin for the IntelliJ-based products. It’s compatible with the RubyMine 7 RC and the IntelliJ IDEA 14 RC and provides a vast improvement in the Puppet language support:


The plugin is specially designed to analyse Puppet manifest files. As the Puppet manifests consist of an extensive variety of declarations including resources, classes, nodes, defined types, and variables, it is crucial to provide a reliable navigation mechanism for them:


As any other language, Puppet encourages developers to make use of the existing libraries named modules. The plugin supplies the users of the Puppet Forge modules with navigation around them. The only thing one should ensure is that the modules are located in the proper directory (the default one or the one defined in the special puppet configuration files):


The plugin also enables traditional code insight features such as rename refactoring, find usages action, code completion; all based on the structure of the project and aware of the Puppet modules installed:


You will discover that the plugin comes with a little more traditional features: a code formatter, quick documentation, inspections checking unresolved symbols and others. However, there is still a lot to be implemented, so we would be glad if you shared your feedback, voted for the features and proposed new ones!

You can try the plugin and share your ideas or ask some questions here in the comments, in our tracker or forum.

Develop with pleasure!
JetBrains RubyMine Team

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