
Hone Your Craft with RubyMine 7!

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Abraham Lincoln

rm_axeFor all of us at JetBrains, being a developer means a lot more than everyday coding. It is also about being at the edge of knowledge and honing our programming skills. We try to keep our tools as sharp as they can be, kind of like the woodcutters from this poignant story. So, if an IDE is for a developer what an axe is for a woodcutter, with the latest RubyMine 7 update we want to make it razor sharp for you.

This major update polishes all of RubyMine’s subsystems, adding new features and enhancements to help you write and maintain your code:

  • Chef is now supported via a special plugin compatible with RubyMine 7 that introduces cookbooks, recipes and resources in the IDE.
  • Puppet language support was improved significantly, with a plugin designed to analyze Puppet manifest files.
  • EditorConfig integration now brings more code styling options.
  • Debugger was improved including the option to run the console in the context of a debugging session, and the ability to view variable values next to their usages in the editor.
  • RVM-managed Ruby interpreters can now be added as a remote SDK; there are also improvements for vagrant- and deployment-based remote SDK.
  • Lots of enhancements for web development, including Emmet preview action; support for the latest CSS3, Stylus and Sass versions; code reformat functionality for Slim and HAML; support for ReactJS and JSX/ES6; and more.
  • You can now experiment and prototype right in the editor, without creating any new project files, thanks to RubyMine’s new feature called Scratch Files.
  • And more.

You can buy or renew your RubyMine license on our website. RubyMine 7 is a free update for you if you purchased or renewed your license on or after November 13, 2013. As usual, a 30-day trial is available if you want to try RubyMine as your new Ruby on Rails IDE.

And last but not least…
We couldn’t have done it without help from all of our early adopters. A million thanks for your invaluable feedback!

Develop with pleasure!
JetBrains RubyMine Team

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