Early Access Program News

RubyMine 8.5 EAP is Open

Hello everyone,

We hope you had great holidays, got inspired and are now ready for the new year’s challenges, adventures, and more ideas and magic.

We on the RubyMine team are happy to start this year by opening the Early Access Program for the next RubyMine 8.5. You’re welcome to download RubyMine 8.5 EAP (build 144.2925) and try it. You can install it side by side with RubyMine 8; no active subscription is required.


A lot of your feedback on RubyMine 8 was about focusing even more on Ruby and Rails and polishing the key IDE features. So for the next release we’re working on even better code insight, new refactorings, and more for Rails and Ruby. As we want to make our development process more transparent and share with you our progress on the new IDE features, with this program we are going to publish new builds weekly.

As you probably know Ruby 2.3 was recently released so it was only natural to include Ruby 2.3 support as the first RubyMine 8.5 feature. Here are some more details on that.

Ruby 2.3 Support

Language level is detected and derived from the SDK:


Stubs for Ruby 2.3 are provided. Newcomers like Array#dig are present in completion/resolving/documentation:


Safe navigation operator support is introduced:


Squiggly heredocs are introduced:


If you have any ideas on how to make Ruby 2.3 support more intelligent, please watch and comment this issue.

YAML Support Improvements

This build also brings a lot of improvements for YAML, such as handling spaces as tabs and supporting multiline scalars as value of property key features, as well as many bugfixes.

RubyMine running on Java 8

The whole IntelliJ IDEA platform is migrating to Java 8. That means you won’t be able to launch the IDE under a JDK older than Java 8. The change affects all the EAP builds (144.*) and further major releases this upcoming spring.

You’re welcome to try the most recent RubyMine build and stay tuned for more blog posts about the EAP features coming soon. Please note that EAP builds are pre-beta software and may contain issues, which we ask you to report to our issue tracker.

Sincerely yours,
The RubyMine Team

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