
RubyMine 2016.2.1 Bug-Fix Update

Hello everyone,

It’s time for a fresh minor update, based on your first impressions and feedback on the recently released RubyMine 2016.2. Please welcome RubyMine 2016.2.1!

To update, download the new version from our website or, if you’re running RubyMine 2016.2, install the patch by clicking Check for Updates.

This update brings the following fixes and improvements:

  • YAML files containing template languages are now properly processed;
  • RubyMine no longer freezes while indexing Haml, YAML and Slim files with unicode line separators (0x2028);
  • Debug Rails Console is fixed for remote Ruby interpreter configured via Vagrant;
  • The list of gems is now better synchronized when Rbenv gemsets are used;
  • Minitest failure result nodes now have “jump to test” functionality;
  • A diagram is now available to illustrate the relationship between views, states and templates in AngularJS app that use ui-router;
  • In JavaScript code, options suggested by the completion popup are now sorted by use;
  • For linters like ESLint or JSHint, the whole word and not just the first symbol is now highlighted when the linter reports a warning.

The full list of addressed issues can be found in the release notes. If you missed the RubyMine 2016.2 release, find out more about its new features on the What’s new page.

Your RubyMine Team

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