Early Access Program Features News

More YAML improvements in the Updated RubyMine 2018.2 EAP

Hi there,

RubyMine 2018.2 EAP (build 182.3341.19) has just been updated. The new build provides more YAML improvements.

Download RubyMine 2018.2 EAP

Smarter YAML with JSON Schemas

Starting with this EAP RubyMine provides code autocompletion and inspections for YAML data structures that have a JSON Schema file.

The IDE automatically traces schemas from schemastore.org (Preferences | Languages & Frameworks | Schemas and DTDs | Remote JSON Schemas). For instance, Travis CI has a JSON schema file posted there. So if you use Travis to test and deploy your apps, you can now edit configurations in your `.travis.yml` file faster:


You can also manually add and configure JSON schema files in Preferences | Languages & Frameworks | Schemas and DTDs | JSON Schema Mappings.

Issue: [RUBY-20082]

Copying key paths in YAML files

We have also added the ability to copy a key path to a value in `.yml` files, which allows you to now quickly paste it instead of manually typing out the full path:


Issue: [RUBY-7231]

Download RubyMine 2018.2 EAP

As usual, see the release notes for the full list of improvements, and please report any issues you encounter.

Your RubyMine team

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