Features News

RubyMine 2018.3 Goes Beta

Hi there,

RubyMine 2018.3 Beta (build 183.4139.32) is now available for your review. Please check out the new major features in this Beta build, and let us know if you encounter any issues. Here are the most notable changes made for v.2018.3:

Code insight

We have added support for Struct. Now you can autocomplete, navigate, and rename Struct objects without any issues.


We have also added nullability analysis for Ruby – a new inspection that checks your code for possible nil errors.

I18n improvements

RubyMine 2018.3 offers a new dialog for generating I18n translations from strings. Press Alt+Enter on a string to i18nize values for all of your dictionaries at once:


The IDE now also correctly detects lazy lookups and scopes. Learn more about I18n improvements in a detailed post.

Intention actions

RubyMine 2018.3 features a bunch of small but handy quick-fixes. For instance, the new De Morgan’s law intention will help you improve ugly negations:


Read Intention Actions in RubyMine for other new quick-fixes.

Refactoring improvements

With the new Extract Parameter dialog you can not only extract an argument but also specify its type, provide a default value for it, make it optional, or pass it as a block.


See the detailed use case for the new Extract Parameter and read about other refactoring features in a related blog post.

New Darcula

We have significantly reworked the Darcula color scheme to make it less noisy and more consistent with similar color schemes used in JetBrains IDEs for other programming languages:

The new Darcula is now default, but don’t worry: the next weekly build will have an option to roll back to the previous Darcula without having to import it manually. Stay tuned for the updates.

Other improvements

RubyMine also inherits new updates from the IntelliJ platform. For example, the IDE now supports Git submodules, features a new Search Everywhere dialog and a High Contrast color scheme. Read this blog post for these and other platform improvements.

Other updates include:

Download RubyMine 2018.3 BETA

See the release notes for the full list of changes in v2018.3. Please submit any issues to our bug tracker.

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