RubyMine 2022.3.1 is released!

RubyMine 2022.3 is out!

You can get the new build from our website or via the free Toolbox App.

The new version includes some important updates, and here are the highlights you need to know about.

Find usages of let variables in RSpec shared contexts

Find Usages can now help you search for all usages of variables defined via let calls in RSpec shared contexts.

Open bookmark list via context menu

All bookmarked files in the list now can be opened via bookmark context menu action or pressing F4 when the list is selected:

Type inference for v-slot scope variables in Vue.js

RubyMine 2022.3.1 provides type inference for scope variables in Vue. IDE supports the scoped slots types coming from web-types and from source files.

Other Improvements for Vue

  • We’ve fixed the issue that was causing false positive warnings about import declarations used in <script setup> to be shown in the Problems tool window (WEB-56403)
  • We’ve fixed the issues that were causing incorrect import statement placement in Vue components (WEB-47509)

Improvements for Vitest

We’ve fixed several Vitest-related issues in this bug-fix update: 

  • You can now run in-source tests from the gutter (WEB-58362).
  • You can also run tests with Docker (WEB-58083) and re-run failed tests in WSL and Docker (WEB-58084). 
  • We’ve fixed the issue that was causing Vitest watch to get stuck after renaming a test to an existing test name (WEB-58196). 

Using proprietary debugger with Docker compose SDK

Starting with this RubyMine version you can install, update, and use the new debase debugger with Docker compose SDK. 

Note: using the Debugger Docker compose SDK by default will be available in the next version of the product and now you can run Debugger in RubyMine registry and try it.

Support for JRuby

We’ve added support for the latest version of the implementation of the Ruby programming language atop the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Other notable improvements

  • We’ve fixed the issue with Actions on Save not working as expected (IDEA-307368).
  • We’ve fixed the issue with the Hide button not minimizing the Debug tool window when the Debugger Console tab is open (WEB-56864).
  • We’ve fixed two issues with Angular (WEB-46365 and WEB-50069).
  • Double-clicking on the window header will work as expected and maximize the window size on macOS (IDEA-304577).

You can download RubyMine 2022.3.1 from our website or via the Toolbox app

The full list of improvements in this version is available in the release notes.

To learn about the newest features as they come out, follow RubyMine on Twitter. We post product news and tips several times a week.

We encourage you to share your thoughts in the comments below and to suggest and vote for new features in the issue tracker.

Happy developing!

The RubyMine team

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