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Scala Plugin

Scala Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio

Features Scala Scala programming

Big Data Tools 0.0.356: Minor Improvements and Stability Fixes

Last week we announced the very first version of our new IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate plugin aimed at providing tools for working with Big Data. Currently, the plugin’s functionality is limited to the support for Scala and built-in integration of Zeppelin notebooks. A lot more functionality is to come, including the support for Spark, Hadoop, S3, etc.

Today we’re glad to release a little update (v0.0.356) that brings minor but important bug-fixes and improvements. Below is a list of the changes included:

  • Overall execution progress for Zeppelin notebooks (works only for 0.8.x and higher)

  • The Structure View popup for Zeppelin notebooks

  • In the bottom of the cell, it now displays the author, execution time, and modification time
  • The Basic HTTP authentication issue in Zeppelin connection dialog (it overwrote the Login field, BDIDE-402)
  • The experimental support for Zeppelin 0.9.0 (BDIDE-392)
  • Connection is re-established automatically after a restart of an interpreter
  • The default height of charts is now 10 rows
  • The text output inlays are now not scrolled to the end (as it used to)
  • The issue with processing the results that contain Tab characters (BDIDE-383)

That’s it for now. As we promised, more goodies are on the way. Stay tuned, and in case you haven’t tried the plugin yet, make sure you do. Any feedback is very welcome here in the comments or in our tracker.

P.S. Please join our warm community in Slack to get instant support, tips, updates, and talk to other users of the plugin, Zeppelin, and Spark!