Early Access Program WebStorm

WebStorm 6 EAP build 126.86

New WebStorm 6 EAP build 126.86 is available for download.

We’ve fixed troubles with LESS support that some of you may have stepped into using previous build. Also, we’ve brought a couple of improvements for built-in file watchers for TypeScript, CoffeeScript, SASS and LESS transpilation (nice word, eh?). This will make configuration phase even easier. We’ll publish more information on this topic shortly to ensure that you can try this at home :)

There are also some fixes regarding JavaScript, TypeScript and Dart languages support, and overall platform improvements. Let me also note that lot of stuff is under active development, so please follow the updates!

As usual, we very much need you feedback. We hope you will throw a stone at us about every problem you find using tracker and forums.

Here’s the full list of fixed issues.

Patch-updates from EAP build 126.37 are available for all platforms.

Develop with pleasure!
-JetBrains WebStorm Team