
JetBrains’ PhpStorm and WebStorm IDEs have got their own separate resources. This WebIDE Blog is Closed

Dear friends,

For quite a while we have been sharing this blog and other resources for both PhpStorm and WebStorm IDEs, but we came to a conclusion it’s the very time to let these products have their own separate resources to make our visitors get the most relevant information on the product they use without any distraction or inconvenience.

From this moment this blog is closed, no new comments or posts will be published to this blog. Everything already published will remain available in this blog. And please check the new PhpStorm and WebStorm blogs to get the most relevant information about the product you use.

Please note that @webide twitter channel is now renamed to @PhpStorm and will tweet only PhpStorm-related information – make sure you follow us – all the current followers of former @webide twitter account don’t need to re-follow a new account, all the followers have been transferred automatically during the rename process. WebStorm has got its own twitter account @WebStormIDE – make sure you follow it if you want to get all the tweets on WebStorm IDE.

And, if you found a good replacement for Google Reader, it is also a good idea to subscribe to PhpStorm blog RSS or WebStorm blog RSS to receive all the updates immediately.

Plugin repositories are already separated, and discussion forums will be separated soon.

Develop with pleasure and follow the right JetBrains’ resources!
– Your JetBrains PhpStorm & WebStorm Teams

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