Early Access Program

Grunt in WebStorm 8

Grunt is a very popular tool in the JavaScript community. It’s built on top of Node.js, but it’s used even in most front-end only projects. So even if you don’t work with Node.js, many JavaScript developers install Node.js simply to use Grunt.

Grunt can achieve many common tasks such as minifying code, linting code, and transpiling code (e.g., changing CoffeeScript into JavaScript). The most common scenarios are achieved by using Grunt plugins which are installed through npm. In fact, developers often simply create Gruntfile (a build file written using Grunt) that only uses common plugins and then they simply configure it with settings to match their own projects.

WebStorm helps you to run Grunt tasks.


Simply right-click on your Gruntfile, select Show Grunt Tasks and you’ll now be able to double-click a task in the Grunt tool window to run it.


In order to get started, you’ll want to install Grunt’s command line interface (CLI) globally. You may need to use sudo (for OS X, *nix, BSD etc) or run your command shell as Administrator (for Windows) to do this (you can find more on Getting started with Grunt on gruntjs.com):
npm install -g grunt-cli

Please watch the video below for more details:


Develop with pleasure!
JetBrains WebStorm Team

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