
WebStorm 2018.2.3 is now available

The new WebStorm 2018.2.3 is now available! Update to it using Toolbox App or from the IDE, or download WebStorm 2018.2.3 from our website.

What’s new:

  • You can now pass additional option to Angular CLI when creating a new project from the IDE Welcome screen. As you start typing the option name or press Ctrl-Space, WebStorm will show you available options and their description.


  • We have also improved the way the new Add all missing TypeScript import action works: before, the action wasn’t available for symbols with multiple import options, and now, if you invoke the action for such symbol, WebStorm will add all unambiguous missing imports in this file and then will show you a popup where you can select the desired import for this symbol.

What’s fixed:

  • Vue component imports are now resolved correctly in the Vue CLI 3 apps located not in the root of the project (WEB-32564)
  • The problem with the slash symbol in the CoffeeScript files has been fixed
  • The Extract React Component refactoring now handles better the key attribute (WEB-34489)

For the full list of issues addressed in this bug-fix update, please refer to the Release notes.

WebStorm Team

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