
WebStorm 2020.2.1 Is Available

WebStorm 2020.2.1, the first bug-fix update for the recently released WebStorm 2020.2, is now available!

You can update to it using the Toolbox App or right from the IDE. You can also download WebStorm 2020.2.1 from our website.

Here are the most notable fixes available in v2020.2.1:

  • We’ve added support for vue-loader in file references under the Vue template section (WEB-38331).
  • The Local History feature should now work as expected on WSL 2 (IDEA-241935).
  • A number of regression bugs have been fixed (WEB-46751, WEB-46669, WEB-46818, WEB-46595, WEB-46684, and WEB-46754).
  • We’ve reworked the intention for expanding optional chaining and nullish coalescing to explicit checks. This intention was introduced during the EAP for v2020.2. Feedback from one of our users helped us realize that there was room for improvement, so we turned this intention off for v2020.2. Now you can try the improved version.
  • In Angular projects, WebStorm now supports type inference for structural directives on the ng-template tag (WEB-45605).
  • Several performance problems have been solved (IDEA-226949, WEB-46791, and WEB-46096).

For the full list of issues addressed in WebStorm 2020.2.1, please see the release notes.

The WebStorm team

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