
WebStorm 2021.3.3 Is Available

WebStorm 2021.3.3, the third bug-fix update for WebStorm 2021.3, is now available!

You can update to v2021.3.3 using the Toolbox App, installing it right from the IDE, or by downloading it from our website.

Here are the most notable fixes available in v2021.3.3:

  • Fixed the issue causing the IDE to freeze and hang when indexing WSL projects (IDEA-286059).
  • Tailwind CSS code completion will now work if your package.json, node-modules, and tailwind.config.js files are located in a subfolder (WEB-48964).
  • WebStorm will automatically find a Prettier package installed globally using NVM (WEB-54501).
  • Fixed the behavior on macOS when switching between Big Sur tabs (IDEA-261595).
  • Solved the problem causing the IDE to add unexpected refs / heads prefixes when pushing to Gerrit (IDEA-282180).

For the full list of issues addressed in WebStorm 2021.3.3, please see the release notes.

The WebStorm team

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