
WebStorm 2023.1.3 Is Now Available

WebStorm 2023.1.3, the third bug-fix update for WebStorm 2023.1, is now available!

You can update to v2023.1.3 by using the Toolbox App, installing it right from the IDE, or downloading it from our website.

Volar support for Vue

We have some great news for all of you using Vue in WebStorm. We’ve implemented Volar support for Vue to support the changes in TypeScript 5.0. This should provide more accurate error detection aligned with the Vue compiler.

Showing an error detected because of the Volar support

You can set the Vue service to use Volar integration on all TypeScript versions, under Settings | Languages & Frameworks | TypeScript | Vue. By default, Volar will be used for TypeScript versions 5.0 and higher, and our own implementation will be used for TypeScript versions earlier than this.

Other notable improvements

Here are some of the other notable fixes in v2023.1.3:

  • We’ve added an option to enable/disable automatic interpolation of string literals (WEB-60546).
  • We’ve fixed the issue causing the Auto-close tag on typing ‘</’ option not to work for Astro (WEB-60416).
  • We’ve fixed the issue causing incorrect type inference for emitted events in Vue (WEB-60713).
  • We’ve fixed the issue causing the Nuxt useFetch() result type not to be inferred when using Prisma (WEB-58600).
  • We’ve fixed the issue causing the CSS color preview in the gutter to appear dull (WEB-60930).
  • We’ve fixed the issue causing the combineLatest function from rxjs to show as deprecated (WEB-51889).
  • We’ve fixed the regression issue in Angular when passing a value of <type> | undefined type as an optional prop value in the template (WEB-60830).
  • We’ve fixed the issue causing resolve for enum keys in Vue templates not to work correctly (WEB-60418).

That’s all for today! For the full list of issues addressed in WebStorm 2023.1.3, please see the release notes.

The WebStorm team

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