Early Access Program

WebStorm 2023.2 Beta Is Here!

WebStorm 2023.2 has reached Beta! To see what has already been added to WebStorm 2023.2, take a look at our previous EAP blog posts.

The Toolbox App is the easiest way to get the EAP builds and keep both your stable and EAP versions up to date. You can also manually download the EAP builds from our website.


We’d like to thank everyone who has tried the EAP builds and shared their feedback with us! If you’re among those who have tried them, but haven’t had a chance to respond yet, please do so via our issue tracker.

Vue: provide and inject support

WebStorm 2023.2 includes support for provide and inject. The provide/inject mechanism solves the issue of prop drilling in Vue. A parent component can register a provider, and then any component in the descendent tree can inject dependencies provided by the components. WebStorm now provides completion for the inject field, resolves the injected property, and displays correct information about the type of the injected property.

showing the autocompletion for addEmoji working with inject

Fixed integration with TypeScript Language Service

We’ve added better support for TypeScript 5.0 related issues. WebStorm 2023.2 now integrates correctly with the TypeScript Language Service and shows quick-fixes and documentation from the service. This integration has also led to a fix for an issue with the Compile and Custom config features.

Support for GraphQL and WebSocket in the HTTP Client CLI

You can now use the HTTP Client CLI in WebStorm to interact with GraphQL APIs and establish WebSocket connections with services, for example for tests or automation scripts.

Showing the HTTP Client working with GraphQL

Inspection for the Norway problem in YAML files

We’ve introduced a new inspection to eliminate the Norway problem and prevent the unintended misinterpretation of Boolean values in YAML files.

When a list primarily consists of strings but contains a Boolean-like literal, WebStorm will highlight this literal to indicate a potential inconsistency, and suggest adding quotes to it. If the list is mostly composed of Boolean-like literals (such as true, false, off, on, yes, no), any literal that deviates from this pattern is highlighted as a possible error, although no specific quick-fixes are suggested in this scenario.

Showing the warning being triggered for NO in a yaml file

Other notable changes

  • We’ve added an option to specify the Vue Language Server package (WEB-61476).
  • We’ve switched to the @vue/language-server npm package for volar (WEB-61580).
  • We’ve fixed the issue with the ‘Unknown file or directory’ inspections for CDN links (WEB-18057).
  • We’ve fixed the issue causing UpToDateStubIndexMismatch for the jquery.Jcrop.min.js error when a wordpress project is open (WEB-61508).
  • We’ve fixed the issue with the outdated MDN documentation link for the novalidate attribute (WEB-61085).
  • We’ve fixed the issue causing the import in Astro to be added to TypeScript instead of being put into the <script> tag (WEB-59276).

For the full list of the latest enhancements available in WebStorm 2023.2 Beta, check out the release notes.

As always, your feedback is very important to us, so please try out the new features and let us know your thoughts in the comments below or on Twitter. If you come across a bug, you can submit a report in our issue tracker.

The WebStorm team

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