
WebStorm 2023.2.2 Is Now Available

WebStorm 2023.2.2, the second bug-fix update for WebStorm 2023.2, is now available!

You can update to v2023.2.2 by using the Toolbox App, installing it right from the IDE, or downloading it from our website.

Notable updates

Here are some of the notable updates in v2023.2.2:

  • We’ve added support for rpx and upx custom CSS property units (WEB-34460).
  • We’ve fixed the issue causing the TypeScript type error popup to not be scrollable (WEB-61953).
  • We’ve fixed the issues causing the Vue.js completion without quotes inside an inject array in Options API and in the inject() function in Composition API to not work (WEB-62003).
  • We’ve fixed the issue causing the same nested class to be suggested twice in completion in CSS files (WEB-61969).
  • We’ve added the opportunity to turn off optional TypeScript service inspections (WEB-62507).
  • We’ve fixed the issue causing updater conflicts in the installation (IDEA-330340).
  • We’ve fixed the issue causing the IDE to hang on the splash screen (IDEA-314813).

That’s all for today! For the full list of issues addressed in WebStorm 2023.2.2, please see the release notes.

The WebStorm team

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