Connect With Our Developer Advocate: WebStorm Open Hours

Hello everyone!
My name is Jan-Niklas. Some of you may already know me from WebStorm, as I am the Developer Advocate for JavaScript and TypeScript at JetBrains. I’m excited to share some news with you today—I’m trying something new and opening up my calendar to you! Whether you’re a long-time user of JetBrains tools or just starting to explore them, I’m here to chat, share insights, and learn more about your experiences with the products.

As a developer advocate for JavaScript and TypeScript at JetBrains, I have the privilege of working with some of the best tools in the industry and exploring the different frameworks and libraries that are available. From WebStorm and Node.js to Angular, Tailwind, and RxJS, there’s always something new and exciting to discuss. That’s exactly why I’d like to experiment with opening up my calendar – because I believe the best ideas and solutions come from engaging conversations. I want to better understand your struggles and help you overcome them.

Why am I doing this?

I want to hear from you! Whether you have questions about JetBrains tools, need advice on your next big project, or just want to geek out about the latest in web development, I’m here and ready to chat. This is also a great opportunity for me to gain new perspectives and understand how different developers are using these tools in their day-to-day work.

What can we talk about?

  • JetBrains tools: Do you have feedback or questions about WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, or any other JetBrains product? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
  • JavaScript and TypeScript: We can dive deep into your code, discuss best practices, and explore new features.
  • Web development: From development with frameworks like Angular to structuring code in mono repositories, I’m here to discuss anything that enhances your development workflow.
  • Open topics: Do you have something else on your mind? Let’s chat about it! I’m always open to talking about exciting new topics.

How to book a slot?

It’s simple! Just click here to access my calendar and book a time that works for you. I look forward to chatting and can’t wait to see what we can learn from each other.

Please note that this will be experimental for now. Though I hope it is a success, let’s see how it goes. If it works out great! If not, then we’ll see if there is something else we can do. But either way, I am looking forward to meeting you.

Thank you for being an amazing community. Let’s make the most of this opportunity to connect, share, and grow together.

Jan-Niklas Wortmann
Developer Advocate, JetBrains

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