What’s Next: The WebStorm 2024.3 Roadmap

In August of this year, we released WebStorm 2024.2, our second major update for 2024. Thank you to everyone who is already using it and providing feedback. 

With August now behind us, we’d like to announce what we’ve got planned for the next release of WebStorm, which is scheduled for the middle of November, with our usual disclaimer: these plans are subject to change

Also, as usual, we’ll be releasing EAP builds in the run-up to this release. We encourage you to try these builds, provide feedback on the features, and report any issues you discover. At this stage, you can significantly impact the product’s development.

Our primary focus with this release is on improving the stability and quality of WebStorm and some of its subsystems. Here are our most significant plans for WebStorm 2024.3:

  • WebStorm@next TypeScript engine We’ve been working on delivering our TypeScript engine for the last year. We’re excited to announce significant performance improvements in WebStorm@next, with minimal functionality regression. If it meets our strict quality criteria by the end of the 2024.3 Early Access Program (EAP), it will be enabled by default in the release. Initially, WebStorm@next will focus on TypeScript, React, and Angular, with Vue potentially included if optimizations are completed. 
  • Database plugin We’re going to reconsider how the current Database Tools and SQL plugin license model works with WebStorm subscriptions, and try to find a more suitable solution. This plugin provides you with database tools to query, create, and manage databases and full SQL language support.
  • Tailwind CSS color preview – We’re enhancing our Tailwind integration by adding color previews, making it easier to quickly identify the colors that are applied to elements. (WEB-47817).
  • New functionality during indexing – To improve the startup experience and reduce waiting times, certain dumb functionality (WEB-64105, WEB-64106, and WEB-64107) will now be accessible during indexing.
  • Improved test framework support – Certain limitations of the current test framework support can cause test files to be misidentified. We’ll be making significant internal changes and general test framework support improvements to fix this issue (WEB-64971 and WEB-67720).
  • Enhanced Show Component Usages – We’re updating how WebStorm handles components. Template usages will now be recognized as part of the file, improving both the Show Component Usages action for Vue, Svelte, and Astro, as well as the Rename feature (WEB-65061).
  • Disable SvelteKit a11y warnings option – We’ll add a new option to disable accessibility (a11y) warnings from the Svelte Language Service (WEB-62537).
  • Monorepo project improvements We’ll make searches in monorepo projects more focused and manageable by excluding search results from node_modules in the Find in Files directory tab by default (WEB-25601).
  • Enhanced monorepo imports We’ll improve the handling of imports in monorepos to reduce the number of incorrect imports from libraries or subprojects. This will address common issues related to auto-generated output folders like dist (WEB-68309) and problems associated with the partial support for the exports field in package.json (WEB-68290).
  • Support for exports in CSS We’re adding support for the exports field in package.json for CSS files (WEB-55017).
  • .idea directory displayed by default – Historically, the .idea folder has been hidden by default. Moving forward, we’ve decided to display all files in the projects to enhance transparency (WEB-68009).
  • Improved JSX attribute experience  – We’ll no longer include the equal sign (=) for boolean JSX attributes (WEB-62632).
  • Angular template usages displayed with class usages – We’re making Angular usage tracking more intuitive. When you invoke Show Usages on an Angular class, WebStorm will now display usages from templates as well (WEB-68183).
  • Unused import inspections for Angular – We plan to introduce unused import inspections for Angular NgModule and standalone components, allowing you to reduce the number of unnecessary dependencies by identifying and removing unused imports (WEB-38266). This will also be added to version 2024.2.
  • Bundled Vue, Svelte, and Astro language servers – We plan to bundle the primary language services to enhance product reliability, prevent issues with language-server loading on WSL, and address security concerns associated with downloading language servers from the internet.

That’s all for now! Check out the 2024.3 Early Access Program to test these features as they become available!

The WebStorm team

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