JetBrains Toolbox App 1.0: A Control Panel for your Tools and Projects!
Please give a warm welcome to JetBrains Toolbox App as it officially reaches 1.0!
We at JetBrains think of coding as a creative process, one that is best done when you’re in the ‘flow’. All our products are designed with this principle in mind. As such, downloading product updates and installing them on a regular basis is not something you’d rather be doing.
Enter Toolbox App: a small but nifty app that will make using your JetBrains tools more enjoyable than ever. It’s a sort of one-stop control panel designed to help you manage your JetBrains tools, installations, updates, and even projects.

The app went public alpha on May 25, and since then we’ve received lots of useful and positive feedback from you, which has certainly helped us make the app better for the 1.0 release. Thanks for your support and input! And now, let’s take a look at what you can do with Toolbox App:
- For every IDE you can install, update, remove, or rollback to a previous version
- Simplified access to Early Access Program (EAP)
- Integration with JetBrains Account
- All projects in one place
- GitHub integration
- and other small features
If you already have Toolbox App installed, just ‘Check for updates’ from the UI to install 1.0. If you want to try it — download it from the brand new Toolbox App web-page.
We want to know what you think and what features are most useful for you. Let us know in comments here, in our issue tracker, or at @JBToolbox.
The Toolbox App Team