News Project-Based Learning

JetBrains Academy: New Projects and Topics in January

The start of a new year is always a good reason to start learning something new, especially when you can do it in an interactive and fun way! In January, we created 10 new projects that will teach you programming while helping the local zoo look after its denizens (Zookeeper, Java), playing games with a chat bot (Simple Chatty Bot, Frontend), and more! Let’s look at the updates:

Java tracks

πŸ†• Projects: 

πŸ†• Topic: IdentityHashMap

Python tracks

πŸ†• Topics:

Frontend track

πŸ†• Projects: Simple Currency Converter (Beta), Simple Chatty Bot (Beta), Coffee Machine (Beta), Zookeeper (Beta)
πŸ†• JavaScript topics: Introduction to regexp, Basic string methods, Introduction to string, String searching, String transforming

Kotlin tracks

πŸ†• Project: Meal Planner (Beta)
πŸ†• Topics: 

Go track

πŸ†• Project: Flashcards (Beta)
πŸ†• Topics: Command-line arguments and flags, Defer statement, Parsing data from strings, Methods in Go


πŸ†• Topic: Intro to templates and rendering

Data Science

πŸ†• Topics: Errors visualization, Matplotlib scatter plot, Matplotlib bubble chart, Categorical data visualization


πŸ†• Topics: Methods of solving LPP: a graphical method, The basic ideas of cryptography, Antagonistic game (zero-sum game)


πŸ†• Topics: 

Note that projects marked as Beta are still in the early stages of testing. In order to see Beta projects on the platform, you need to have the Beta tester feature enabled in your profile settings.

If you have any questions, or if you would like to share feedback, feel free to leave a comment below, contact us at, or share your post on Twitter, Facebook, or Reddit.

Keep learning,
Your JetBrains Academy team

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