News Project-Based Learning

JetBrains Academy: New Projects and Topics in March

If you are learning Go, we have good news for you! In March, we created 2 brand-new Go projects: In-Memory Notepad and Duplicate File Handler (Beta). We also released the Magic Form (Beta) project for frontend development learners and Tasklist (Beta) for Kotlin learners. In addition, we published over 30 new educational topics.

Java tracks

🆕 Topics: 

Python tracks

🆕 Topics:

Data science

🆕 Topic: Intro to plotly

Frontend track

🆕 Project: Magic Form (Beta). Medium.

Most professional sites have an online form to fill out — whether for registering, ordering food, or making payments. But sometimes if you accidentally reload a page with a form, you can lose all the data. In this project, you’ll create a form that will retain the data when the page closes unexpectedly.

🆕 Topics: 

Kotlin tracks

🆕 Project: Tasklist (Beta). Hard.

It’s always good to have a reminder of important tasks. It may be simple paper notes or a sophisticated app. In this project, you will create a text-based program that shows tasks, deadlines, and priorities.

🆕 Topics: 

Go track

🆕 Project: In-Memory Notepad. Medium.

Every day we face a shower of information that pours upon us from all quarters. It’s easy to forget the most important things in that flow. In this project, you’ll create a simple in-memory database that supports CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) operations and helps you structure your data.

🆕 Project: Duplicate File Handler (Beta). Challenging.

Duplicate file handler is a useful tool that can free some space on your drive. In this project, you will write a handler that checks and compares files in a folder, displays the result, and removes duplicates.

🆕 Topics: 


🆕 Topics: Linear functions, Gradient descent, Modular arithmetic


🆕 Topics: 

Note that projects marked as Beta are still in the early stages of testing. In order to see Beta projects on the platform, you need to have the Beta tester feature enabled in your profile settings.

If you have any questions or if you would like to share your feedback, feel free to leave a comment below, contact us at, or share a post on Twitter, Facebook, or Reddit.

Keep learning,
Your JetBrains Academy team

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