PhpStorm 2022.3.3 Preview

There’s a preview available of PhpStorm 2022.3.3, the upcoming minor release of PhpStorm. It brings a number of bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements.

Here are the most notable changes and bug fixes in this build:

  • Downloadable shared indexes for most popular PHP packages (WI-57197
  • Add option to prevent inserting line break when pasting a line copied using Copy/Cut from empty selection (IDEA-77691)
  • Docker Compose mappings not imported from volume mappings (WI-70270)
  • Actions on Save: add ability to disable/enable actions (IDEA-283423)
  • Disappearing “Shelf” tab in the “Commit” tool window (IDEA-305906)
  • Add option to restore old behavior of Copy/Cut/Paste from empty selection (IDEA-307158)

The full list of changes in PhpStorm 2022.3.3 is available in the release notes. You can download this preview here:

That’s all for today. Thanks for keeping up with the changes! We hope they improve your PhpStorm experience.

Your JetBrains PhpStorm team
The Drive to Develop

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