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Early Access Program Features

Gogland EAP 13: Better completion, new inspections, fixed performance bugs, and More.

Hi! It’s time to release the new EAP build of Gogland.

We changed the order in the code completion list. Previously, suitable matching variant types were at the top of the list only in smart completion (Remember, it’s Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+Space). But now, this is also available in the basic completion and automatic pop-up.


In this build we have introduced three new inspections:

Shadowed variables can now be highlighted. It’s disabled by default, but we’d appreciate it if you could try it out. To enable this go to File → Settings → Editor → Inspections / Go → Probable bugs → Shadowing variable


— Error-strings beginning with a capital letter or ending with punctuation are highlighted. Such strings are not recommended according to the code-style guides.


— Division by zero expressions are highlighted.


As of now, you can run Go Tools on several files.


We’ve fixed bugs with performance: GO-4274, GO-4386, GO-4397.

Please, see the whole list of enhancements in this build.

That’s all for today! Feel free to give the new EAP build a try right away and share your feedback with us through the comments as well as the issue tracker.

Gogland team.
The Drive to Develop

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