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A cross-platform Go IDE with extended support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and databases

Early Access Program Features

Announcing GoLand (Former Gogland) EAP 18: Final Product Name, Templates Support and More

Yes, you read it right, it’s not a misprint: the final product name is now GoLand. We had to let the codename go and we’ll surely miss it. At the same time we hope everyone likes the new name. If you’re wondering what it takes to remove one letter from a product name, well… the short answer is “A lot.” For the long story, and the results of the naming contest, scroll to the end of this post.

At JetBrains we’re excited about GoLand the name as much as GoLand the new EAP build. The update brings some important improvements.


Initial support for editing templates provides syntax highlighting and basic coding assistance, including code completion for keywords:

The coding assistance is enabled for all HTML files within Go modules (with a defined GOROOT). To make it work for other extensions, add them in Settings | Editor | File Types | Go Template.

We will keep working to make template support better. If you have any feature requests, please add them to the tracker.


Now when editing the Imports settings, you can see a preview of how GoLand organizes import statements based on the current settings:

GoLand can now group stdlib package imports together.

The import statements added automatically are now positioned in the right order.

Find Usages

If you ask GoLand to show you the usages of a method that implements an interface, it will prompt you to include the usages of the interface’s method as well:


When you switch your focus into GoLand with a GitHub repository URL in your clipboard, the IDE detects this and prompts you to run “go get” with the URL of this repository:

File Watchers

File Watchers introduced not long ago now can ignore external changes (made outside from the IDE). To enable this option, deselect the Trigger the watcher on external changes checkbox, or simply re-create the watchers (then it will be off by default):

Intentions and inspections

The update comes with an intention that can specify an explicit type when declaring a variable or constant:

Also, there’s a new inspection that reports the definitions of empty slices that allocate memory. It offers a quick-fix to replace such definitions with nil initial values:

Another inspection (turned off by default) checks that any exported symbol comes with a comment. Otherwise the inspection prompts to make it un-exported:

Bugfixes and other changes

In addition to the improvements mentioned above, there are many bugfixes. For example, the inspection that reports duplicate cases in switch statements no longer produces false positives:

The type inference has been improved for complex, imag and real builtin function calls. This also results in fewer false positives:

Toolbox App and installers

Because of the name change, we cannot provide a patch update. To update, please manually download the installer from the website. Sorry!

If you use Toolbox App, make sure to install the update by clicking GoLand, not Gogland:

Name contest winner

So, a couple of weeks ago we announced the Gogland naming contest. We thank all participants for their ideas and input! Frankly, we were overwhelmed with the many great suggestions. There were a lot of funny ones that made us smile.

Eventually we had to zero in on just one, and GoLand was it. This means the winner of the contest is Maxim Levkov who suggested GoLand first. Maxim gets a free 1-year personal subscription for all JetBrains products! Also, we’d like to offer Maxim a free conference ticket for any one Go-related event in the next 12 months.

All other contributors who repeated the same suggestion also get consolation prizes: a 1-year personal subscription for GoLand!

Lastly, there are two special prizes. The first is Jul who suggested GoLand in December 2016, long before the contest:

The second is GoJoris who made this quirky name suggestion:

Both Jul and GoJoris get free 1-year personal subscriptions for all JetBrains products!

Thanks again to everyone for helping us choose the new name!

Prices and release date

GoLand 2017.3 is going to be released in early December. GoLand will join the ‘All Products’ pack and will be priced exactly the same as PyCharm, PhpStorm, RubyMine, DataGrip, CLion, and AppCode. The conditions for discounts and complimentary licenses will also be the same as for other JetBrains products.


Your feedback is very welcome in the comments below as well as in our issue tracker.

Happy developing!
The JetBrains GoLand Team

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