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Join the Livestream: Launch Your Kotlin Course with New Materials for Educators!

Are you looking to launch your own Kotlin course? We are excited to equip you with the necessary tools! Join us for a special livestream for Kotlin educators on Jun 21, 2023 at 16:00 UTC!

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Our guest, Anastasia Birillo, is a JetBrains researcher, Kotlin developer and instructor, an active member of the Kotlin community, and one of the authors of the ‘Programming in Kotlin’ course materials. Anastasia is teaching this course at Constructor University in Bremen, Germany and Neapolis University Pafos, Cyprus. During this livestream, Anastasia will share her teaching experience and the new course materials, designed specifically for Kotlin educators and available for free. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions and get them answered during the Q&A part of the livestream.

The ‘Programming in Kotlin’ course materials include:

 Downloadable slides on the core concepts of Kotlin:

  • Introduction to Kotlin
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Build systems
  • Generics
  • Containers
  • Functional programming
  • JVM + the Kotlin compiler
  • Parallel and concurrent programming
  • Asynchronous programming
  • Exceptions
  • Testing

Assessment resources for educators:

  • Quizzes
  • Homework assignments
  • Tests

The course covers core topics such as data types, variables and control flow, functions, object-oriented programming, exception handling, collections and generics, lambdas, and higher-order functions. It also covers significant features of Kotlin, including null safety, extension functions, and coroutines. At the end of the course students will study build systems, using Gradle as an example, as well as explore compilation techniques and how the Kotlin K2 compiler works.

This is a comprehensive toolkit for teaching Kotlin and it can be easily customized to align with specific educational needs. 

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Don’t miss out on this opportunity to access these course materials and launch your very own Kotlin course. Mark your calendars and join us for the livestream!

See you there!

Anastasia Birillo

Anastasia Birillo

Anastasia Birillo is a JetBrains researcher and an experienced Kotlin developer who is heavily involved in the Kotlin community. Anastasia has authored the Kotlin Onboarding course from JetBrains and has worked on several projects related to static code analysis and code quality in education for the Hyperskill platform. As a Kotlin expert, she also teaches both basic and advanced Kotlin at Constructor University in Germany and at Neapolis University in Cyprus. Additionally, Anastasia is the main contributor to the Reflekt project, a plugin for the Kotlin compiler that enables compile-time reflection. 



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