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The Python IDE for data science and web development

Early Access Program Releases

PyCharm 5.0.4 EAP is Available

Today we announce the early preview build of PyCharm 5.0.4 #143.1919.1. The list of bug fixes and improvements for this build can be found in the release notes.

It’s been a while since the previous release of PyCharm 5.0.3, so PyCharm 5.0.4 EAP build 143.1919.1 consolidates a lot of fixes and improvements. Some highlights are:

  • several fixes for Python 3.5 support
  • a number of fixes and small improvements for Python debugger
  • a number of fixes for SQL injections in Python code
  • a number of fixes and improvements for code insight
  • Django support fixes
  • fixes for Python formatter
  • a fix for code coverage and Python profiler
  • and much more

See the full list of improvements in the release notes. Patch update from the previous PyCharm releases should by available shortly.

Please give PyCharm 5.0.4 EAP a try before its official release and please report any bugs and feature request to our issue tracker.

Drive to develop
-PyCharm team

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