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The Python IDE for data science and web development

Early Access Program Releases

PyCharm 2016.1.1 EAP is available

It’s been a week since we released PyCharm 2016.1 and today we announce the early preview build of PyCharm 2016.1.1.

Some highlights of the PyCharm 2016.1.1 EAP build 145.597 are:

  • Supported Python versions changes
    • Dropped support for older Python versions before Python 3.5
    • Added preliminary support for Python 8
  • Various bug fixes
    • Fixed wrong indentation after copy-paste
    • Fixed generation of reStructuredText doc strings for methods with parameters
    • Fixed folding of custom regions

For the complete list of the changes see the release notes.

There’re other fixes that are currently under way and will hopefully get into the final PyCharm 2016.1.1 release. They’re: fixes for various Docker Compose support problems, a fix for extra libraries indexing. Stay tuned for further announcements.

We encourage you to give PyCharm 2016.1.1 EAP a try before its official release. Please change the updates channel to “Early Access Program” in the updates settings (Help|Check for updates…) to get the patch update to the EAP build from the recently released PyCharm 2016.1 or download the installer for your platform. Please report any bugs and feature request to our issue tracker.

-PyCharm team

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