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Early Access Program Releases

PyCharm 2016.3 EAP 2 (build 163.5644.6)

Today we announced PyCharm 2016.3 EAP build 163.5644.6.

Please download and try it today!

Some highlights of the PyCharm 2016.3 EAP build 163.5644.6 are:

  • Support for PEP 525: Asynchronous generators
  • Support for PEP 530: Asynchronous comprehensions
  • Various bug fixes

The list of numerous bug fixes and improvements for this build can be found in the Release Notes.

We encourage you to give PyCharm 2016.3 EAP163.5644.6 a try before its official release. Please change the updates channel to “Early Access Program” in the updates settings (Help|Check for updates…) to get the patch update from the previous PyCharm 2016.3 EAP build or download the full installer for your platform. Please report any bugs and feature request to our issue tracker.

-PyCharm team

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