Events News

London Calling: Kotlin Skills Matter Sessions

In cooperation with Skills Matter in London, England, JetBrains is offering two free Kotlin events in April and May. Kotlin is a new OSS (Apache 2 license) language that is targeted at the JVM and JavaScript; Kotlin aims at being a generic industrial language that is concise, fast, interoperable and fun to work with. To attend either event at the Skills Matter eXchange registration is required; reserve your spot today.

In the Brains of Andrey Breslav: Introduction to Kotlin

Join Andrey for his talk Wednesday, April 3rd at 18:30 and get an overview of the Kotlin language and the principles behind it. Among other things, the following features will be covered:

  • Static null-safety
  • Extension functions
  • Higher-order functions and type-safe builders
  • Smart casts: Kotlin’s lightweight pattern matching
  • Enhancing existing Java APIs with Kotlin
  • Developing mixed Kotlin/Java projects

Hadi Hariri’s Introduction to Kotlin Workshop

Hadi will be hosting this free workshop Thursday, May 2nd beginning at 9:00 AM. There will be a limit of 20 delegates so you need to register quickly. Lunch will be provided courtesy of JetBrains.

In this hands-on workshop, you will learn about the basics of the language. You’ll discover some of the advantages that it offers, understand how to get the best of Object Orientation and Functional paradigms, create custom DSL’s and remove some of the pain of other popular languages such as Java and C#. You’ll see how to test your code, interop with existing frameworks as well as discover some of the new frameworks, such as web development frameworks, already available for Kotlin.

The workshop will be hands-on, so bring your laptop, and for the best results, have IntelliJ Ultimate OR the free Community Edition installed.

To find out more about Kotlin, please refer to

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