Webinar Recording: dotMemory 4.0 – What’s Inside
The recording of our February 25th webinar with Maarten Balliauw, dotMemory 4: What’s Inside, is now available on JetBrains YouTube Channel and slides on slideshare.
In this webinar we explore the new dotMemory 4 memory profiler. We share our view on why one may want to use a memory profiler and show how easy it is to use dotMemory to find and solve memory issues.
Even if your program is just a few lines of code, .NET’s runtime will create a number of objects in memory. Are all objects being destroyed by the garbage collector? Or is there a potential memory leak? And why is the application seemingly slow when having lots of objects in memory? Find out in this webinar.
Below are select questions and answers from our webinar:
Has dotMemory 4 been released already?
No, not yet. We currently have an EAP version available for everyone to try. Do give us feedback if you’re using it! The final release will be there around the end of April.
Can dotMemory profile .NET 4.0 applications?
Yes it can! dotMemory allows memory profiling of applications written in .NET (all versions up to 4.5.1) and Silverlight, as well as Windows Store applications.
For more information on dotMemory, please see our blog post dotMemory 4.0 EAP: .NET Memory Profiler Resuscitation.

Keep up with dotMemory on JetBrains .NET Tools Blog and on Twitter @dotTrace.