Live Webinar: High-Performance Computing with C++, May 29th
Join us Thursday, May 29th, 14:00 – 15:00 GMT (10:00 – 11:00 AM EDT) for our free live webinar, High-Performance Computing with C++ with Dmitri Nesteruk.
Are you are a developer interested in getting the most out of your hardware? Are you looking to take the computational performance of your applications to the next level? Then this is the webinar for you! In this webinar, Dmitri Nesteruk, our ‘resident quant,’ will talk about some of the language features, libraries and expensive toys he uses to get calculations done as quickly as possible.
Languages such as JavaScript may receive a lot of hype nowadays, but for high-performance, close-to-the-metal computing, C++ is still king. This webinar will take you on a tour of the HPC universe, with a focus on parallelism, be it instruction-level (SIMD), data-level, task-based (multithreading, OpenMP), or cluster-based (MPI). We’ll also discuss how specific hardware can significantly accelerate computation by looking at two such technologies: NVIDIA CUDA and Intel Xeon Phi. (Some scarier tech such as FPGAs will also be mentioned).
Space is limited, please register now.
About the Presenter:

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