Live Webinar: Merging Refactored Code – ReSharper Meets SemanticMerge, June 17th
Join us Tuesday, June 17th, 16:00 – 17:00 CEST (9:00 – 10:00 AM EDT) for our free webinar, Merging Refactored Code: ReSharper Meets SemanticMerge.
In this webinar, Matt Ellis (JetBrains) will be hosting Pablo Santos (SemanticMerge) who will run through a number of refactoring examples, from the seemingly trivial (yet essential) to complex structure modification scenarios, and demonstrate how to do the refactor with ReSharper and later get it merged with Semantic.
Pablo will talk about the challenges of merging complex refactorings and demonstrate how SemanticMerge simplifies it, parsing the code into a syntax tree then reasoning about it as code rather than text (or text with heuristics), and merges accordingly.
If you’ve ever wanted to know more about ReSharper’s many refactoring capabilities and new tools designed to make merging complex refactorings a breeze, don’t miss this webinar.
Space is limited, please register now. There will be an opportunity to ask questions during the webinar.
About the Presenter:

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