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2022.2 Updates of All JetBrains IDEs and .NET Tools

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This blog post offers a general overview of the major changes you will find in the 2022.2 releases of all JetBrains IDEs and .NET tools. Check out the summary below, and follow the links to learn about the updates in more detail.

IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2 includes multiple quality improvements to the remote development functionality, making it sleeker and more stable. Starting with this update, IntelliJ IDEA uses JetBrains Runtime 17, which improves the IDE’s performance, security, and user experience. IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate adds support for Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3 features, and introduces updates for several other frameworks. IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2 comes with many other upgrades and refinements to help you develop faster and more efficiently.

WebStorm 2022.2 comes with support for Angular standalone components, updates for Vue 3, TypeScript 4.7 support, improvements for Docker, built-in remote development workflows, a new way to run the current file, and more.

In DataGrip 2022.2, we’ve added the ability to import multiple CSV files at once, introduced the Playground and Script resolve modes, made the new Modify UI the default option, and more.

DataSpell 2022.2, our IDE for data scientists, brings a visual Merge view for Jupyter Notebook. It allows you to identify at a glance the changes to be merged in your notebook. Another visual enhancement we’ve added is the ability to resize image outputs by dragging their bottom border, which can be particularly useful when you are digging into details. With this release, you are able to copy-paste directories to, from, and between remote servers. You can also use the WSL-based interpreter for environments created with venv.

PyCharm 2022.2 introduces support for several Python 3.11 features, such as exception groups and the except* operator, new notations for individual TypedDict keys, and variadic generics. With the improved HTTP client, you can select a run environment using an icon on the gutter and send queries over HTTP and WebSocket protocols out of the box. The new Run Current File feature allows you to instantly run and debug a single file without a dedicated run configuration.

GoLand 2022.2 offers new features for generics and, and lets you run fuzz tests from the IDE. SQL statements are now automatically detected in strings. We’ve also added support for WebSocket and GraphQL endpoints.

PhpStorm 2022.2 brings support for Mockery and Rector, enhanced support for generics and enums, improvements to the debugger and the HTTP client, and more.

The CLion 2022.2 release integrates better with CMake and CMake Presets. The Quick Documentation popup has become a useful source of knowledge about your C++ and CMake code. Enhanced static and dynamic code analysis, better debugger integration, and performance improvements for remote and docker toolchains help you develop more productively.

RubyMine 2022.2 comes with support for Rails URLs, RBS and debugger improvements, support for YARD macro extensions, and several other new features.

AppCode 2022.2 helps you analyze the structure of your application by generating UML class diagrams for Objective-C and Swift. It also improves code documentation, generation, and formatting, and is aligned with the latest Xcode versions and new Swift language features. The Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile plugin for AppCode now supports many additional types of projects to help you develop applications for Android and iOS more efficiently.

You can update your IDEs at any time via the Toolbox App or from within the tools themselves, or you can get the latest versions directly from the JetBrains website.

.NET tools and VS extensions 2022.2

ReSharper 2022.2 and Rider 2022.2 include support for additional C# 11 features, updates to code analysis, and optimized memory usage by Solution-Wide Analysis

In ReSharper 2022.2, we’ve also introduced the Virtual Formatter for viewing code in your preferred format without actually reformatting the source code on the disk, as well as the Disk Cleanup tool for removing temporary files generated by ReSharper. ReSharper C++ 2022.2 introduces Blueprints-specific inlay hints and inspections and significantly improves the indexing performance for your Unreal Engine projects. 

Rider 2022.2 has shipped with overall performance improvements, including optimizations for startup performance and the Solution-Wide Analysis engine. Support for C# 11 has been extended to cover required members, checked user-defined operators, raw strings, and list patterns. We’ve implemented a way to apply the same window layout settings to all of the solutions you work on. To make working with Unreal Engine even easier, we’ve added two new actions, New Unreal Module and New Unreal Plugin, and the ability to specify symbol servers to get library symbols when debugging.

That’s all the news for today. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements about the beginning of the Early Access Programs for 2022.3 if you like to be on the cutting edge!

Note: We recommend checking for new EAP versions of your tools right in the Toolbox App. Don’t forget to choose the right channel for your installed tool via its settings.

Happy coding!

Your JetBrains team

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