
CLion 2016.3 roadmap

Hi everyone,

Last week we released CLion 2016.2, which we feel is a great update that brings many long-awaited features, like Doxygen support, operator generation and remote GDB debug.

Now it’s time to move forward. But before we share the upcoming plans with you, let us first say thanks to all our evaluators!

Special thanks

We thank all of you who evaluated CLion during the Early Access Program, provided your feedback and suggestions, and submitted issues to our tracker. You’ve made it possible to release a new feature-rich and stable version, which we hope helps you become a true C++ guru.

We’d like also to mention several contributors who deserve special kudos and a free 1-year subscription (to extend your current subscription or get a new one):

  • Neronyatkin Vitaly (YouTrack handle: neronyatkin)
  • Alexey Dmitriev (YouTrack handle: RiaD)
  • Michail Tolstoy (YouTrack handle: tolstoymv)
  • Anon Anonchik (YouTrack handle: aanonchik)

A personal message will be sent to each of you guys with details on how to obtain your license. (And just in case you do not get any email from us within a week, ping us here in the comments.)

Further plans

Here are some things we had planned for CLion 2016.2 but which will only make it into the upcoming 2016.2.x updates. These are:

  • Ability to watch command output during CMake execution.
  • Several parsing problems which lead to red code in JUCE libraries (OC-8211).

We’ve also discussed all the feedback we got from you, looked at our tracker and spent some time analyzing all these sources. This helped us come up with a preliminary plan for 2016.3.

Please note it’s a preliminary plan, so we can’t guarantee that all of the features listed below will be included in CLion 2016.3.
  • Performance:
    We feel this is a good time to put a major effort into performance improvements. If you experience any issues at all with CPU and memory usage or face any UI freezes, please let us know! Check this page for the list of dumps and snapshots that can be useful for us to investigate and localize the problem.
  • Language support:
    • Fixes to overload resolution (linked to this ticket mostly).
    • Problems with friend and using aliases.
    • Support for user-defined literals (C++11).
    • Support for C++14 digit separator.
    • If we still have resources left, we may devote some time to _Generic command (C11).
    • There is also a list of regressions that we need to go through.
  • CMake:
    • Support for add_custom_target command (if you face any problems with this command in CLion, please describe them here).
    • Ability to specify the build/generation output directory.
    • Ability to specify build types (Debug, Release, etc.).
    • Reload performance improvements.
    • Ability to select Ninja generator instead of Makefiles.
  • Debugger:
    • Remote GDB debug on Windows.
    • Disassemble view.

As before, if some features from the above are not ready for 2016.3 release (that hopefully will be available before the end of the year), they still can be delivered in 2016.3.x updates.

Stay tuned and don’t to miss the EAP launch.

Give CLion a try for free with a 30-day evaluation!

Your CLion Team

The Drive to Develop

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