Early Access Program

CLion 2016.3 EAP: highlight code in accordance with build/run configuration


New CLion 2016.3 EAP build (163.5644.7) is available for download. Read the highlights of the changes below.

Automatic switching of the resolve context

Code highlighting (as well as find usages, refactorings, code generation, code analysis and more) may depend on the set of variables and flags used while resolving the code. Now when you switch the build/run configuration (that may affect these settings), CLion automatically switches the resolve context of the current file for you:
As before, you can change it manually using the switcher in the bottom right corner of the editor (however, for now keep this in mind).

Other changes

This EAP also brings new design for branches and tags in Git/Hg Log. It looks cleaner and easier to use now:

Besides, CMake 3.6.2 was bundled into this build.

As usual, full release notes are available by the link.

Download the build or get a patch update in case you are using previous CLion EAP, build 163.5219.6.

Download CLion 2016.3 EAP

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