
Meet JetBrains C++ team at ADC, US LLVM Developers’ Meeting and Meeting C++


November is going to be fully-packed with C++ related events! It’s a great chance for our team to meet all of you and for you to catch us with any question or idea you have in mind. Check the November schedule to find a date and place that works for you.

Audio Developer Conference

JUCE Summit in 2015 was a huge success and this year it turned into ADC. Audio developers from the pro audio industry and academia will gather on November 3rd and 4th in London to share their knowledge and experience.
JetBrains will join the event with our own booth. For the whole two days of the conference, you’ll get a chance to catch our team there, including me, Anastasia Kazakova, and Phil Nash. We’ll be glad to show you demos, answer questions or just chat. As usual, our license raffle will take place at the booth.

US LLVM Developers’ Meeting

We are glad to announce that JetBrains is a Bronze sponsor of LLVM Foundation for the next year. We are happy to support it, since we strongly believe in the value of LLVM project and the opportunities we all can get out of it.

And by the way, if you’re still wondering why we are not using Clang directly as a parser in our C++ tools, and if the answer in our company blog still leaves you in doubts, don’t miss a small lightning talk at this year’s US LLVM Developers’ Meeting, that will be held November 3rd by Ilya Biryukov, ReSharper C++ developer:

How is compiler frontend different from what an IDE needs?
We’ve been writing our own C++ frontends at JetBrains for a few years now. Given that most people use clang these days, it may come as a surprise that we don’t. In this small talk we’ll cover the reasons that drove our decision to roll out our own implementation, and we’ll highlight how it’s different from what’s being done in clang.

Meeting C++

Meeting C++ 2016 conference will be held in Berlin on November 18th and 19th at Andels Hotel. If you plan to join, welcome to our booth on both conference days! Use this chance to meet developers who create CLion, ReSharper C++ and AppCode for you and ask them anything you like.
Besides, join Phil Nash and his talk, “Functional C++ for Fun and Profit.”

Functional C++ for Fun and Profit
C++11 gave us lambdas in the language for the first time (if you ignore boost::lambda) so it’s a functional language now, right? There’s a bit more to functional programming than having first class function objects. I’d even argue we still don’t quite have that. But does that mean we can’t do functional programming in C++? Yes. No. Maybe… First we have to define what functional programming actually is and it may not be quite what you think. Then we need to see what valuable ideas have come out of the functional approach to software design and which ones we can use in C++ to good effect. In the end we’ll see that, while not strictly a functional programming language, we can get quite a long way with immutable data types, persistent data structures, atomic references, and if you’re not watching carefully we might even throw the M word in there!

Functional C++ for Fun & Profit tour

If you are unable to come to Phil’s talk in Berlin, you’ll have more chances to catch it at these November venues:

See you soon!
The JetBrains C++ Team

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