Early Access Program News

CLion 2017.1 EAP: Disassembly view, Catch support and MSVC changes


Last week we announced experimental support for the Visual C++ compiler in CLion. This week brings more exciting features, like disassembly view for debugger and Catch test framework support! A new EAP build, 171.3691.13, is now available for download. And you will get a notification about a patch-update in case you are using the previous EAP build (171.3566.4).

Download CLion 2017.1 EAP

In this EAP:

Disassembly view for debugger

This build brings disassembly view for debugger. You can now step into disassembly code, when the sources are not available. The assembly code will be highlighted correctly and you can then step though it to investigate the problem:
As work on this feature is not yet finished, there are a couple of limitations and known issues:

  • It now works only with GDB (for LLDB support, please, follow CPP-8908)
  • Setting a breakpoint in the assembly code in not possible (CPP-8910)
  • Run to cursor (CPP-8945) and evaluate expression (CPP-8952) are not yet there

Try the disassembly view on your project and let us know what you think in our tracker.


This EAP brings Catch support to CLion. Catch is a cross-platform test framework for C++ which you might consider as an alternative to Google Test, CppUnit and others due to following reasons:

  • To start you just need to include catch.hpp and that’s it! No external dependencies are used and it’s just a single header
  • Write test cases as, self-registering, functions or methods
  • Cases can be organized into sections, BDD-style Given-When-Then sections can be used

And now there is one more reason – CLion’s Catch support!
It includes:

  • Built-in test runner to inspect the results with ease: check the progress bar, test status and test duration, the whole test output stream, and more
  • Catch run/debug configurations in CLion
  • Completion for tags in the configuration settings

CLion support Catch v1.7.2 and higher. To learn more about Catch itself and its support in CLion read this blog post by Phil Nash, the original author of Catch and developer advocate here at JetBrains.

MSVC fixes

The previous EAP build introduced experimental support for the Visual C++ compiler in CLion. It’s now possible to build projects with MSVC/CMake/NMake toolchains on Windows. A few fixes and usability changes were added this time:

  • If you were using VM option to turn on the MSVC support, please, revert it back (remove custom VM options file from configs) and use Registry: in Find Action dialog (Shift+Ctrl+A on Linux/Windows, ⇧⌘A on macOS) type Registry; open Registry and type msvc:
  • VS 2013 is now also supported (in addition to VS 2015 and VS 2017)
  • CLion now auto-detects the Visual Studio versions installed on the machine
  • Navigation through compiler errors was introduced (links to the code were added, as well as navigation to the previous/next error):
  • CMake settings for MSVC were updated with some hints for the possible values:

That’s it! The full release notes are available here.

Download CLion 2017.1 EAP

The CLion Team
The Drive to Develop

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