Early Access Program News

CLion 2017.3.4 EAP: fix for SSH Access to GitHub


If you are connecting to GitHub using SSH and the built-in client SSH Executable (which is configured under Version Control | Git | SSH executable), you might notice some connectivity issues. This happened due to the change introduced by GitHub recently – support for weak cryptographic keys was dropped.

This issue has already been addressed in CLion 2018.1 EAP. And now CLion 2017.3.4 EAP (build 173.4674.3) with the corresponding fix is available for download. Patch update (in case you are using CLion 2017.3.3) will be available shortly.

Download CLion 2017.3.4 EAP

Full release notes are available here.

We plan to backport the fix to some earlier CLion versions – follow the updates. And we are sorry for any inconveniences this might cause.

In the meantime, as a workaround, you can switch to using Native support. Please note however that when using this option, if your SSH keys are protected with a passphrase they need to be added at system level. This is usually done by using a tool such as ssh-agent.

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